What do you desire to create?
Individual Facilitation
Individual sessions are the way to change anything or create anything. I have unusual capacities to tap into what energy is stuck and how you can uncreate where it is not flowing.
Symphony of Possibilities Sessions
Energetic invitations to experience who you truly are and what is truly possible for you as a totally unique soul in this world.
Access Bars Sessions
Powerful yet gentle method of clearing and dissolving the points of view that you have been programmed with in your life that keep you stuck and limited in problems rather than the possibilities you could be choosing.
Access Body Sessions
When facilitated, our bodies can contribute to our lives in far greater ways than we ever might imagine. A Body session can create way greater space and open up so much for both your body and your life.
Access Facelift Sessions
A remarkable and nurturing body process for the face and the skin of the body. So much of our body and our skin reflects the points of view and programming we have locked into our bodies about aging and olding and what is possible for rejuvenation.
Abuse Hold Sessions
The abuse hold session is an in person session for the energetic release of the points of view and programming that got locked in regarding any form of abuse.
"My name is Charlie Verge and I work with tools and processes that can change things miraculously. My entire life has been devoted to exploring ways to expand consciousness, create miracles, and create greater ease, joy, and well being for all. I create miracles every day and my passion is assisting others in doing that for themselves."
- Dr. Charlie Verge
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